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Come Explore
5 Inquiries
with us!

Awake's mission is to incubate and accelerate awakening individually and collectively. To be a place of profound transformation. We believe this is best achieved by exploring powerful questions together and finding unique and meaningful answers. These are five very important questions that we are exploring together. We hope you are called to ask them with us!

What does it mean to live from the heart?

Living from the heart is essential to our spiritual evolution. We realize that we have the capacity to move from egoic consciousness, the illusion of separation and the patterns and conditions of our mind–that keep us in lack and competition–into a heart-based consciousness that operates from a state of unconditional love, engages our true free will and creates cooperation and understanding. We do this by becoming more aware of the patterns and conditioning of our minds that generate emotions that put us in a reactive or fearful state. With this awareness we develop practices that allow us to more consistently pause and tune into our heart’s wisdom and proceed from its innate frequency of strength and honesty deeply rooted in love, compassion and oneness.


What does it mean to follow our intuition/inner guidance?

To follow one’s intuition/inner guidance, one may experience some repeated heightened sensory awareness that leads to a knowing or Inner-Standing. There’s a quality of having direct access to the wisdom of your body and the innate intelligence of your being. It is an expansive process of sensing, deep listening and noticing what unfolds.  


Receiving insight through intentional inquiry can increase our capacity to feel truth, connect to deeper parts of Self & others and the animistic world around us.


What does it mean to live in conscious community?

Conscious community for Awake means living with self-awareness in alignment with our values. We share values of honoring nature, relating with openness to co-evolution, maintaining healthy bodies, and celebrating life, among others. Our self-awareness creates space between our identities and feelings, between our thoughts and behavior. In this way, we slow down to listen more deeply to ourselves, to each other, to nature, and to the world around us. We share reflections on how well we are living in alignment, and how we can refine.


Because our conscious community includes all aspects of life, from food to friendship to work to play, we live the opportunity to fully integrate our values every day.


What does it mean to be a seeker?

To be a seeker means a willingness to continually go beyond what is presently known. It is first an attitude of openness to new experience and viewpoints, with the intention of discovering deeper truths from any direction of life. Ultimately, to be a seeker is to relentlessly “know thyself”, not as a personality, although that occurs, but as Being. 


To be sincere in the pursuit of what we divinely love creates the life we want, which leads to spiritual fulfillment and makes a life worth living.


What does it mean to be a creator?

Being a creator means aligning with your desires and purpose, fully embracing your path, and trusting your intuition. It brings joy and fulfillment to your life.

It involves choosing to let go of limiting beliefs and conditioning, enabling you to play, reach your fullest expression and discover your true essence. 


What makes you feel alive?

What do you want to express?


Recognizing that we are all creators allows a natural force to express itself through you, leading to personal growth and a deeper connection with your true self. 

These 5 Inquiries are Foundational to Our Mission at Awake

Let's Explore Together!

If you are asking yourself these sign questions, feel free to reach out by subscribing to our 5 Inquiries email sequence and be entered to win a free 6 night stay at Awake!

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